“…implantation of hard compressed pellets of crystalline steroids resulted in a slow and more physiologic absorption of the hormone...” Greenblat 49 AJOG
“Since the amount of hormone released to the organism is continuous and minute in quantity, it is conceivable that by this
method the endogenous mechanism of hormonal secretion is more nearly approached and the
physiologic action of the hormone more closely imitated.” Greenblat 49
Hormones (testosterone) delivered by subcutaneous implants, bypass the liver **
Bioidentical testosterone delivered by pellets is cardiac protective,
unlike oral, synthetic testosterone **
Testosterone and estradiol delivered by pellet implantation does
not adversely affect ***
– Blood pressure
- Studies have actually shown pellets to be cardiac protective with improved arterial vasodilation
– Glucose
- Studies have actually shown that pellets can blood glucose levels in some patients
**Notelovitz 87, Seed 00, Sands 97, Worboys 00
***Burger 84, Notelovitz 84, Barlow 86, Stanczyk 88, Davis 95, 00, Cravioto 01, Handelsman